Des nouvelles de VLAN!

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04 novembre 2006

Guérilla marketing

Avouer que ça doit vraiment donner la chair de poule pour quelques instants quand on arrive là-dessus! Pour l'organisme «Mexico Unido». Message «Violence can be waiting for you anywhere.» Bravo!
Via adarena

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Vlan :] I like your blog very much! These pictures are so amasing! Big hug from Gross Boss of gossip Polish blog!

Geneviève Piquette a dit...

It's really a pleasure! Thank you very much!

Anonyme a dit...

No problem :] I gave you link on my home website forever. My friends told me that your pictures rock.

Geneviève Piquette a dit...

What's the adress of yout blog?

Anonyme a dit...

check my nickname :]

Anonyme a dit...

Vlan, do you mind if I'll send you one day some interesting link of Polish ad? I have to choose something interesting for you. We have so many funny ads but this is more like our own sense of humor so I have to find something universal.

Anonyme a dit...

omg it was me. Upstairs :P

Geneviève Piquette a dit...

Anonymous, it's a great idea...thanks and i wait for your link of Polish ad.

Lea I'm still searching for your blog....